Order around tiny insects to tear down taller and taller buildings.

A game by Dusty is Forever, llamergeiier, and phyrex


  • Tear down each building in as few clean sweeps as possible. 
  • Get all the blocks below the red barrier line to finish the level.
  • Don't let your poor bugs get crushed.


  • Left click to pick up bugs or mark blocks.
  • In freeplay, left click to place blocks, right click to delete blocks. Number keys 1, 2, and 3 to select block to place.
  • The scrollbug on the right side of the screen may be moved with the mouse or the scrollwheel.
  • Escape to pause.


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omfg i love the bug sounds theyre so cute and the concept is super cool!

knows what's up 



I like the assets/music/bug-noises uwu